Allgemein, Concerts

Concert Highlights 2017

This is most difficult task I’ve ever had to do for this blog. I cannot choose my highlights! I loved each and every gig I attended this year. So many special moments I witnessed thanks to incredible artists who gave 100% to their audience. So I will try to name a few gigs and I will let you know why they were special to me. I apologize already since this blog post will probably the longest I’ve ever done.

My gig highlight of the year: Marteria

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I saw him twice – at Gurtenfestival and at his headline show in Zurich. Both times he completely took over the whole venue and the people were at his command. The atmosphere was incredible and the energy blew the roof of the building. But my fondest memory is actually the morning after the Gurten gig. We literally stayed awake until the clouds were purple again which is one of Marteria’s songs “Lila Wolken”. It was the perfect ending to a very special four days at the Gurtenfestival.

The most special venue: P!nk

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When it was announced that P!nk would only play 5 odd shows this summer I knew I had to go to Berlin to see her. I’ve never been to Berlin so it was even more special. I love the city and I loved the two gigs at the Waldbühne. A stage set into midst of a very green forrest just outside the city. It was raining a lot but that didn’t matter. Finally after years I saw my P!nk again. I grew up with her and her gigs and it will forever remind me of my childhood. It was just perfect.

My first interview: Naturally 7

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I’ve always been a huge fan of the 7 lads from America but this summer they actually made a huge accomplishment possible. They agreed to give me my first interview for Kekoas Korner after their wonderful gig at the Live at Sunset the day before. I will always be very grateful for that and will support them forever. Their shows are brilliant and I would suggest if you haven’t seen them – go see them!!! It’s well worth your money plus they really make an effort to meet the fans after the show. Go say hello.

My first time as a Merch Seller: Welshly Arms

The guys from Welshly Arms were looking for a volunteer to sell their merchandising. Obviously I took that opportunity 🙂 Let me just say each and everyone of them were super nice and very grateful that I helped them. I was happy to help plus I got to witness an amazing gig! Being a Merch girl is great and I loved to talk to all the fans about the band. I also got to interview the guys from Welshly Arms before their show.

The best entertainer EVER: Robbie Williams

Robbie Williams is hands down the best entertainer and knows how to put up a good show. He rocked the Letzigrund for around two hours and blew fireworks and confetti and fire into the air like there was no tomorrow. He also brought out his dad which gave the show a very cute touch. Only recently it was brought to our attention that Robbie Williams actually was quite sick during that performance after which he flew directly to London into the intensive care unit for a week. It was actually a miracle that he performed that night! Thank you for that but please next time listen to your body Mr. Williams and cancel the show.

The longest show with the most stars: Capital’s Summertime Ball

We spent 7 hours at the Wembley stadium in London and got to see so many stars. Bruno Mars opened the show. JP Cooper, Niall Horan, Charlie Puth, Dua Lipa, Clean bandit and this is just the beginning. My highlight was that I finally got to see Sean Paul live. He did an amazing job and since he was quite close to the end he took my last energy so that I was seriously knackered and couldn’t enjoy Little Mix who closed the show.

The hottest gig: Pegasus

It was July and it was boiling hot. The Pegasus gig was at 8 IN THE MORNING on a ferry on lake Zurich. It was the perfect weather and the perfect gig. Pegasus are a super talented band from Switzerland and everyone just had a good time and by the time it finished we were already sweating.

The most colourful gig: Coldplay

It took me years to like Coldplay and to make me want to see them. This summer I suddenly felt the urge so within two weeks I organised a little trip to go to Frankfurt and see them. The weather was awful but the gig was great! Tove Lo and Femme Schmidt supported them. But what I liked the most were the colours. I have never seen such a colourful concert and what I also loved was how appreciative the band was.

The best rock gig: Stone Sour

That’s a hard one. I really loved Guns ‘N Roses and you know they are just legendary! Mando Diao were incredible to see live and I want to see them soon again! But I think I will give this one to Stone Sour because they seriously f*****g rocked and Corey Taylor has an amazing voice aaaand he looks gorgeous! 😀

The most special voices: Tom Grennan

This one was also very close. Jacob Banks and Tom Grennan went head-to-head. Both have super special voices which give me goosebumps and both are very very talented. But Tom Grennan got the call because he seemed more open to his fans and made the effort to meet each and everyone. This is what I want to see in an aspiring artist.

Best Newcomer 2017: KARAVANN

I got to meet the two lovely lads from KARAVANN for an interview before I even seen them live. They seem really serious about their venture and I have a good feeling about their journey. In August I finally got to see them live and believe me they didn’t disappoint. They have an incredibly international sound and they make sure that you have a good time at the gig. Please check them out and go say hi after the gig 🙂

The worst gig EVER: Kings of Leon

I didn’t think I would ever say this but unfortunately I had to witness the worst show ever from Kings of Leon. They didn’t want to be on stage, they didn’t know where they were and they played songs no-one wanted to hear. For an hour you could hear a pin drop in the Hallenstadion and everyone was quite baffled at how bad they were. Since I paid a lot of money to see them it was even worse. So two big thumbs down for you guys!

The most relaxing gig: Anastacia and Baschi at Bossard Arena

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The people were super relaxed and to be honest the arena was quite empty. Nonetheless did we have a brilliant time! Anastacia was amazing and she is just a force on stage. Baschi is our Swiss Robbie Williams and entertained the sh*t out of the Arena. So I had space to dance, I knew the songs, I had an amazing time! 🙂

The Scandinavian gigs: Lukas Graham & Mans Zelmerlöw

I got to see the sound check of Lukas Graham and we spoke a little afterwards. Super lovely lads and just very talented and grateful to travel the world with their music. I’ve seen them twice already and they’ve done a brill job both times. Mans Zelmerlöw won the ESC and came to Switzerland twice already. Always very special gigs!

Kekoas Korner’s soft spot: Gavin DeGraw

I literally grew up with his music. His song “I don’t want to be” is my hymn for anything. When I listen to the song I always have to sing out loud. He is an incredible musician and I am so glad that I was always able to meet him after the show. He is so nice. If you have the chance please listen to this guy.

The Irish frenzy: Walking on Cars, The Coronas, Tom Walker

As you might know I go a little crazy for Irish bands.. 😉 The lovely Walking on Cars came to Switzerland 4 times this year and I saw 3 of them. Zurich, Lausanne and Lucerne. Each gig was different and I just love their music! They were supported by Tom Walker. Another Irish lad who’s very talented and is coming to Switzerland on 20th April 18. Go check him out! Lastly I got to interview the Coronas in October and the lovely Danny gave me some tips for my trip to Dublin.

The good times with Bastille

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Bastille always make sure that everyone has an amazing time. We jump, we kinda dance, we sing. They are an incredible live band and unfortunately I won’t be seeing them next year on April, 20th 18. But please go and let me know how it was. The very talented brits are coming back with their newest record and I’m very much looking forward to see them some other time…. maybe at a festival again.

Best Merchandising Top 5:

1. Welshly Arms – This has to be number 1 since I sold their merch and I proudly did so because they really were amazing. I love the designs of the T-Shirts and the Jackets. They also had Vinyls and hats too. I still wear their stuff every other day.
2. Guns N’Roses – The designs of the shirts are amazing and I nearly got two shirts.
3. Ed Sheeran – He had a various range of Merch. I really loved the Army Jacket and the lumber jack shirt. The jacket was one of my favourite this summer.
4. Stone Sour – Lots of nice designs on T-Shirts plus signed Vinyls.
5. Amber Run – I loved the lion on their shirt and I still regret that I didn’t buy that shirt.
Jacob Banks came really close to making it into the Top 5. He was selling a shirt where it said in this is merchandising and below Jacob Banks. I thought this was hilarious and I was this close to buying it.
All those gigs wouldn’t have been possible without the help of ARTNOIR magazine, Just Because, Mainland Music, ABC production and Goodnews. Thank you for supporting Kekoas Korner!
Lastly I want to thank all my concert buddies for joining me at various gig and for having as much fun as I did! <3

I cannot wait for all the gigs in 2018! So bring on the new year 🙂

I’d love to know what your concert highlights 2017 are. Please leave a comment below or on Kekoas Korner social media channels Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

Allgemein, Interviews

Welshly Arms are more than Legendary

It was a very special night for me. Not only did I get to interview the lovely lads of Welshly Arms thanks to ARTNOIR I also got to be their Merch seller. Read more about by adventure by clicking here. After they finished the sound check they came to greet me and the interview could begin.
I’m always interested to know about other venues. So where was your most special venue and what kind of venue was it?
Sam Getz: There is a couple that really stick out and one that always makes top of the list for interesting venues to play is one we got to play last fall called Red Rocks in Colorado, US. It’s a natural amphi theatre carved into this mountain with red clay rocks. So it’s really really amazing and it holds about 10’000 people and they are just sitting up the mountain and you are playing to this mountain of people. It’s a bizarre almost spiritual type of experience.
Mikey Gould: I have one that I’ve been in a few times but I’ve been never able to play in and that’s the Ryman in Nashville. It’s one of the most accoustical sounding places in the world. I would enjoy to play there someday.
Sam: Rock am Ring was a really cool place. It’s not always a venue. We played it 2017 when they brought it back to the actual racing ring. So you could tell people were really excited to be back. That was a really fun stage to play.
As a fan I noticed quite a few differences in the fan culture depending on which country you’re in. Do you notice it as well and what are the differences?
Sam: We had a fun night in Solothurn in March – not to long ago. It was a really fun crowd in a smaller room which was jam-packed. Those are the shows that I tend to have the most fun at because everbody that goes in is all-in it together. We’re all going to walk outta here kinda sweaty and grose and smelly but you know what? The guy next to me smells but I smell too so it’s fine. When people embrace that then we have a really fun show and those stand out to me. So Solothurn was awesome and I really enjoy the Swiss fans. They are really fun. They sing a long to songs and I love that.
And that’s unusal?
Sam: I wouldn’t say it’s unusal. It’s becoming more normal but it’s something that will never get old.
Mikey: Maybe a little unexpected.
Sam: Especially in a new country. That was our first time playing in Switzerland.
There are little differences in different cultures for instance in Germany at Rock am Ring there was a moment when they all sat down in front of us and started synchronised rowing. It realy freaked me out because I thought it was one of the things where they didn’t like the show. So this was like we are trying to get out of here and they’re rowing to the next show. You guys just leave. But then I found out later that this was a very good thing. It meant that they were enjoying it and this was like an honour to have. You have to learn the different cultures things. In Switzerland they were calling for an encore and we had no idea what they were saying.
Mikey: Oh yeah I remember. It was probably just encore.
Maybe they said Zugabe? It’s the german word for encore.
Sam: Maybe I just don’t remember it.
How important is fan contact to you? What is your way to connect? You just wrote me on Instagram actually 🙂
Sam: Oh yeah? Cool! So yeah we try to use Instagram which is our favourite. Because it just feels like you can do so much. They say a picture is a thousand words so it really does feel that way. You can say so much with just snapping a picture of what we’re up to or where we are playing tonight or how the crowd looked tonight. Those kinda things say so much to the people back home who maybe couldn’t make the show. The live stream videos have been a really cool way too.
Mickey: Facebook seems a bit more formal like you are asking something. „Hey, we are looking for a merch volunteer tonight!“
Yeah, like me.
Mikey: Yeah, exactly. It’s like a forum. Instagram is just fun. If you want to see what we’re up to and what we’re doing it’s the best way.
Sam: It’s usually pretty easy for other people to comment or have an interaction with us. It’s my favourite way. Facebook is also good because it has such a big network. Social Media and Live Videos are ways that we’ve been trying to stay in touch with fans.
You had one of your songs featured in Tarantino’s Hateful 8 – which I loved – how did this happen? Did he call you and said I love your song?
Sam: I wish that we’d received a call from Quentin Tarantino pesonally but it was more his people called our people. The publisher who handles our music catalogue does a really good job getting it in the hands of producers and directors. They did their job there.
When we found out that there was interest from them in our music it was such a huge honour. He is one of those special directors – whether you like the style of his films – you still respect it.
Talking about movies, maybe you’ve already seen it. The Zurich Film Festival is just outside.
Sam: Yeah, that’s great!
I read that Jimi Hendrix is one of your musical influences. Who are currently your favourites?
Sam: That’s a good question. We’ve been enjoying the lastest record that spoon put out.
Mikey: Back! A lot of his stuff.
Sam: Yeah we’ve always been fans of Back. I enjoy bands like Cage the Elephant and that are stirring it up a bit or have the rock n roll spirit and doing it in a fresh way. I like to think that this is part of our agenda too. We try to keep rock n roll alive to some degree but doing it in our own way. The Killers we enjoy, they are keeping rock alive too.
So „Legendary“ I have to ask. How did it change your musical way and how has it affected you? 
Sam: It certainly had its influence. When we decided to release „Legendary“ we knew that it would change a little bit of our musical path and the sound. It was a little bit of a departure of what we had been doing up to that point. Legendary is little bit more modern leaning on the production side.
Maybe a little more mainstream? 
Sam: Yeah, maybe a little as far as the theme of it and the melody. But it does also lean really heavy into some of those gospel things that we love. It changed our musical path a bit or at least expanded our platform and we’re able now to do some song like „The Only“ and similar ones. And then what it did for us is being able to tour Europe. It opened so many doors for us that we are really thankful for. That song definitely changed some things.
So you are grateful for it. 
Sam: Very grateful for it. Just so grateful that people have been so open to it and welcoming the song so much they come see us live and get to see the whole picture. That’s what I enjoy the most.
You’re here the third time now. What do you like most about Switzerland?
Mikey: The chocolate for one and I got to say your cheese here is tremendous. I am big cheese fan, I love cheese. The views! Beautiful mountains and we keep talking about going out snowboarding.
Sam: Yeah, it’s so so beautiful. Last trip we came here we got to stay the night and we went to a really great restaurant and had cordon bleu because our European tour manager, David, lives in Zurich. I’ll never forget that meal it was amazing.  
That was it. Thank you so much for the interview!
Sam: Our pleasure and thank you for signing up to do the Merch tonight.

Allgemein, Concerts

From the view of Welshly Arms' Merch Seller

A few weeks ago I read that Welshly Arms are looking for a volunteer at their concert in Mascotte on the 27th Sept. This was my cue since I haven’t bought a ticket yet and I love to help out. So this is how I became their Merch seller 🙂 A few days later I also got the job to interview them for the online magazine ARTNOIR! Lucky me!
I arrived at the venue at 6 and they were still sound checking and I was already lovin’ it. I expected a different sound but this was even better! So I couldn’t wait to interview them and later sell their Merchandising. A few minutes later I met the lovely singer of the band Sam Getz and the brilliant drummer Mickey Gould. The interview in English will follow tonight on my blog. The interview in German is already up on ARTNOIR.
30 mins before the doors opened I got instructed and as soon as the first people strolled in I sold my first pieces. I’m not saying this now because I sold their Merch but I really really loved their stuff. Someone has done a pretty good job at designing them. My two favourites are the grey t-shirt and the red hoodie. I will deffo wear the grey shirt a lot I can already tell 🙂

Pic by Denise Stocker

The incredible Andrea Bignasca opened for Welshly Arms that night. I’ve already seen him before and again he blew me away with his powerful voice. Please check this Swiss artist out or visit his next gig in Zurich at Piccolo Giardino on 28th Oct.

At 9 the six musicians took the stage and the energy just radiated off them. They couldn’t have started with a better song! “The Touch” is full off energy and the rhythm gets you the minute they start playing it. It was also the song I heard at the sound check. My new favourite song! Have a listen for yourself but let me tell you it has nothing on the live version!

The next two songs “Ain’t supposed to rain” and “Love in a minor key” are off their 2015 record titled “Welshly Arms”. The incredible energy continued through out their set. They performed “The Only” before “Hold on I’m Coming” which featured in Tarantino’s H8ful Eight movie. Find out more about this cooperation in my interview. “We move easy” has a super souly vibe and I was dancing and clapping behind my Merch table. One advantage of this table was that I had a lot of space to dance to and I was still able to see them quite well!

Pic by Denise Stocker

In “Two seconds too late” they have quite a different clapping rhythm but most people managed to get it right. This song is from 2013 and also a fav of mine. Right after this older song “Who we are” followed and you can literally see their musical journey. By then I knew that I will always come back and see their shows. Some bands you just need to see live and they are definitely one of them. After Welshly Arms’ “Bad Blood” not Taylor Swifts they got the crowd singing with “Dirty Work” and the whole Mascotte gave their best.

Sam introduced everyone on and off the stage which I personally think it’s a very nice thing to do. This is how you appreciated the people you work with. Let me tell you it is a reflection of the character of the band as well. Only the good down to earth bands – who also care about their fans too – do it. Welshly Arms are deffo one of them bands. I got to witness first hand how they treat their fans and me. They are thankful for each and everyone and they take their time to meet them and try to fulfill all their wishes.
In “Down to the river” Bri – the only woman of the band – got to step into the limelight and show off her singing skills as well. Sam introduced the next song like this:

If you are here because of this next song we want to say thank you for coming to see us!

And so they played “Legendary” – their uber hit which is currently played non-stop on the radios. It was a magical moment and it is a brilliant song. However the first song remained my favourite of the night. “Never be the same” was the last song before the encore. Usually the band goes backstage just to come back and play some more songs but those guys they just went off the stage had a quick break and came back on. I loved it! 🙂 Lastly they covered Simon and Garfunkel’s “Bridge over troubled water” in a special way.
Right after the concert Sam Getz hopped off stage to come to my Merch table and to meet all the fans. MY work began now. I was glad that the people were nice and had the patience to wait a little. Overall it was an incredible night and every fan left the venue happy. When they were gone the guys came to put the t-shirts away and they were thanking me for helping them sell their Merch but I have to thank them for this amazing experience I would always do it again!
Have you been to the concert then I want to know your opinion below. Did you came to see me at the Merchandising stand, say hi in the comment section 😉
Black and white and indicated pictures by Denise Stocker.